MakerSpace Slideshow

My students are enjoying our MakerSpace immensely, but we needed a way to document and preserve their learning.  Next week, students will be introduced or reminded how to log in to their student email account.   (Each student at White Oak Intermediate School has their own gmail account, since we are a Google Apps for Education (GAFE) school.)  They will create a project using Google Slides to begin the documentation process. I have created a title slide using an interesting font from dafont.  (I can not remember who first introduced me to this site; probably Pam Cranford, but I LOVE all the choices here!) They will practice taking a picture of their MakerSpace activity with one of the 13 iPods I have in the computer lab and emailing it themselves.  Each day students go to the MakerSpace, they will create a new slide, type in their goal, and then access the picture they emailed to themselves from the week before to add to the previous week’s slide with the goal for that week. At the end of the school year, students will post their slideshow on their blog. Here is the image for the title slide:

Screen Shot 2016-02-12 at 4.21.22 AM

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