As of now per our governor, Gregg Abbot, we are staying at home for at least four more weeks. I know this is not what any of us even imagined our “after spring break” classrooms would look like. I have posted assignments for all third through fifth graders in Google Classroom. The assignments are voluntary and are using Tony Vincent’s Shapegrams to teach students how to use Google Draw. I am checking Google Classroom daily for submitted assignments and have really enjoyed the creativity of my students. I will make a slideshow of some of their drawings in the next week or two. In addition to specific assignments, I also added a page to the TechNeck Site webmix that includes a link to a site to make your own merge cube and print out coloring pages that come alive when scanning with the Quivervision app.
Another announcements I added to Google Classroom is a link to a website that includes 25 Makerspace Project Ideas. I have encouraged students to take picture of what they build and post to their blog.