Internet Safety

PARENTS: You may download the Newsletter below for information on keeping your child safe online.

According to ConnectSafely at, young people are more likely to be harmed by peers or consequences of their on behavior than by adult criminals. Research shows that aggressive behavior online increases a student’s risk while kindness, empathy, and good citizenship reduces it. These researchers concluded the best filter for protecting kids runs in their heads, not on devices.  For the next few weeks, students will discuss what it means to be a good digital citizen.  The discussion will include the three main risks involved with online activity: inappropriate contact, inappropriate content, and inappropriate conduct.

This week in technology students will learn the importance of keeping their information private on the internet unless they have their parents’ permission to disclose it. They will understand what information is considered private and what information is public in nature. They will also understand the risks involved in disclosing private information. For this activity, I will be incorporating some aspects of the lesson plan at information at

After and initial introduction, students will go to their computers and open the link I create at .  I will type two column headings called “Personal” and “Private”.  I will then type information such as my first name only, my first and last name, my address, my favorite ice cream, etc.  Students will be instructed to drag each line to its proper heading. Students will be instructed to open photobooth on their macbook and take a picture using one of the available backgrounds and save in order to create a motivational poster for internet safety at a later time using

When they have completed their photo, they will spend the remaining time playing the games at by clicking on the picture below.


Click on Dabbleboard to categorize each phrase under the column headings “Private” and “Public”.


Click on the image below, watch the video, and then play the games.faux paw

One thought on “Internet Safety

  1. This is going to be such an invaluable lesson not just for the students but for all who read this post. You are truly an awesome educator in every sense of the word.

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