For the past two weeks, students in the lab have been introduced to the unit on Digital Citizenship. The unit consists of three parts: Digital Contact, Digital Content, and Digital Conduct. Last week we talked about Digital Contact; those ten things students should keep in their top secret folder and not share with anyone online without their parents’ permission. This week students were reviewing the ten things by creating a Voki. A Voki is a talking avatar. Students will enter what they want the avatar to speak by typing in the text. They will get the opportunity to customize their avatar. Unfortunately, we experienced major problems with the site today. It seems that once a few people have logged on, the system gets bogged down. While I am trouble-shooting the problems with Voki, I will have the rest of my classes this week review the ten items by copying them from the Moodle lesson. Then they will open Pages and type what they want their avatar to say. They can save the document to their flashdrive to copy and paste on to the Voki site. This will give them practice in keyboarding, using a word processor, copying and pasting, and saving a file to their flashdrive. Hopefully I can get the Voki issues resolved and they can continue the project next week. Once all of their blogs are set up, they will be able to copy the embed code and paste it to their blog for a permanent reminder of the things they should keep “Top Secret.”
Click on the picture below to watch the video the students watched to learn about nine of the ten items:
Click on the picture of Garfield to go to Infinite Learning Labs and learn about the tenth item: your plans!
This is going to be an exciting year for the students. You are a great teacher to take this on.