Today was Kindness Day at White Oak Intermediate School. The students have been in groups the past two weeks working on their projects to campaign for Kindness Day. The posters were hung, the buttons were passed out, the t-shirts were worn, the videos were created, the bracelets and bookmarks were distributed. Each student and teacher arrived at school with the same goal in mind: complete a full school day saying only kind words and looking for opportunities to do kind deeds. If nothing else, I believe students realized the goal is a lot easier to speak than to live. Being kind in every situation cost something. In most circumstances, it requires us to ignore our own selfish tendencies and think of the other person first. That is not always easy to do. If students were successful, I believe they also went home feeling really good about the day, because being kind makes us and them feel good. My hope is that good feeling will enable them to continue Kindness Day tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day… If everyone continues to pursue the same goal, White Oak Intermediate School will not need an Anti-Bullying Campaign! You can watch highlights of the day in the Animoto posted below.