Jan. 4 -Jan. 7

3rd Grade – Students practiced copying (Command C) and pasting (Command V) by creating a snowman using the slideshow created by Eric Curts.  You can find a great list of resources on his blog here.  To get a copy of his Build a Snowman slideshow, click here. Below is a sample of student creations.

4th Grade – Students are using the same basic slideshow as 3rd graders to create an animated GIF of their snowman.  I also came across this idea from Eric Curts’ blog.  Click here to see his post.  This process involves having students create their snowman using the slides provided.  Once they have their snowman created, students duplicate the slide and make a small change.  They continue the process to create an animation.  Students will delete the slides that contained the items and then go to http://talltweets.com to insert their slideshow.  This website turns the slideshow into an animated gif students can download.  Students will post the gif to their blog when the project is completed. Here is an example of what it might look like:


5th Grade – Students continued working through the lessons in Typing Club.  Our goal is to complete the first 125 lessons in the program.

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