While cleaning out the back room of my house, I found this insect on the sidewalk. I quickly grabbed my camera to get a picture. I do not believe I have ever witnessed this before. The challenge is to name the insect and tell me what it is doing in this picture. The first student of mine (you had to be at White Oak Intermediate or White Oak Primary School last year) to comment with the correct answer will have a racquetball with their name on it waiting when you return to school in the fall. In the comment, please leave your first name only and the name of your classroom teacher last year. I hope you are having a great summer!
It is a cicada shedding its skin.
Christian – Richeson
it is a locust shedding its skin.
it is a locust shreding its shell
I’m in Mrs. McCurdy’s class. This picture is a locust coming out of its old skin.