My son is getting married this weekend in Mississippi, so I will not be at school Wednesday through Friday of this week. One of my greatest challenges as a teacher is preparing lessons for a substitute when I have to be out. There are a great deal of procedures that I do automatically that would fill several pages if I had to write them all down. That is where JingPro comes in. With JingPro, I can create videos of my computer screen and the steps I need the substitute to demonstrate for my students. The files are created as mp4 files that I can drag in to iMovie for editting or post on a Glogster poster. I also use my flip video camera to make short instructional videos of my procedures to put on a flashdrive for the substitute teacher to access. The 3rd and 4th graders are continueing to work on “blabberizing” their president. There are several steps to this project, and some students are ahead of others in this process. To make it easier on the students, myself, and the substitute teacher, I created tutorial videos using JingPro and placed them all on a Glogster poster for the students to view.